By the time I am pedaling in the up-market, largely Expat suburb known as Ludwigsdorf, and pass Matthew's wife and children cheering on the side of the street, I know how far behind I am. I have already been passed by what seems like ...
By the time I am pedaling in the up-market, largely Expat suburb known as Ludwigsdorf, and pass Matthew's wife and children cheering on the side of the street, I know how far behind I am. I have already been passed by what seems like ...
Ludwigsdorf'i kiirtee ümbrus on ilus ja korras, aga jätab steriilse ja joonlauamaitselise mulje. Kihutame edasi ja meist omakorda kihutatakse mööda, sest kiirusepiiranguid taolistel teedel ei ole. Märkamatult möödume Dresdenist ja ...